

Welcome to Freudian Stitch, where you'll find blog posts about cross stitching, free patterns, and more! I hope you enjoy your stay.

Glow in the Dark Cross Stitch Pattern Collection

Glow in the Dark Cross Stitch Pattern Collection

I'd like to take some time to talk about my featured glow-in-the dark pattern. A while back, Kreinik threads graciously featured this design on their blog. After having a serious fangirl moment, I realized that this really was a unique design that was possible thanks to some truly amazing things that could be accomplished with Kreinik threads. 

First of all, if you haven't seen my post on glow-in-the-dark threads and you're wondering about whether Kreinik threads are worth it, take a  look at my previous blog post comparing Kreinik and DMC glow-in-the-dark threads. You can also pick up a free pattern to practice using this thread yourself! 

What I love most about the different colors that Kreinik offers in their glow-in-the-dark series is that it offers the opportunity to have a design change when the lights are off to a completely new meaning. One of my favorite cross stitchers, Jess of CraftingGeek did this with a Marvel design and it's pure genius. The possibilities are endless! 

Make Art Your Life.jpg

It probably comes as no surprise to most of you that words speak to me strongly. A lot of my designs feature words or quotes that hold meaning to me that I've wanted to capture in a stitch. The design featured here was inspired by Carrie Fisher's words "I don't want life to imitate art. I want life to be art." And thus, "make art your life" was born.

But the designs don't stop there. I'm excited to announce that I have 2-3 additional patterns in the glow-in-the-dark series lined up. Now, that just requires testing them... until then, however, you can purchase this glow-in-the-dark pattern on my shop by clicking here!

Keep Calm & Science On Pattern Release

Keep Calm & Science On Pattern Release

Nothing But Darkness by MariaInMadness

Nothing But Darkness by MariaInMadness